Aerospace Science and Engineering Research Opportunities
The Department of Aerospace Engineering (AE) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) offers a ten-week research program focusing on multidisciplinary research in aerospace science and engineering (ASE). Highly-motivated juniors (rising seniors) with backgrounds in engineering, computer science, and physics to are encouraged to apply for an intern position. Preference will be given to non-University of Illinois students.
International Symposium for Personal and Commercial Spaceflight (ISPCS) Summer Internships
ISPCS Summer Internships are designed to give students real-world experience working in the new and exciting commercial spaceflight revolution. Students are placed with top players from business and government to learn and participate on the ground floor of what may become the foundational enterprise of the 21st Century!
NASA Academy
A national educational, training, and research resource for college undergraduate and graduate students,
dedicated to promoting current and future opportunities for innovation and leadership in aerospace-related careers.
NASA Education Associates
NASA's Education Associates program offers university students and faculty the opportunity to experience
science and technology in the unique environment of NASA. The program is a hands-on experience at a NASA center working with
NASA scientists, engineers and program managers on a NASA project. The projects run the gambit of NASA's missions
-- from the space shuttle to exploring the solar system, from exploring extreme environments on earth to research aircraft.
NASA Langley Aerospace Research Summer Scholars
The Langley Aerospace Research Summer Scholars Program (LARSS) is a 10-week summer internship at NASA Langley
for rising juniors and seniors, and graduate students who are pursuing degrees in aeronautical engineering,
mechanical engineering, materials science, computer science, atmospheric science, astrophysics, physics,
chemistry, or selected aerospace disciplines of interest to LaRC. Students from other disciplines such as
business, finance, communications, and graphics may also be selected to work in areas that provide aerospace-related
programmatic support.
NASA Undergraduate Student Research Program
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is sponsoring the NASA Undergraduate Student Research Program
offering undergraduates across the United States mentored research experiences at the NASA centers.
Space Grant Internships - State Based
Each state based Space Grant program conducts an university student scholarship/fellowship or internship program. These programs have varying requirements,
due dates and other features. For more information please visit the web site of the state based Space Grant program in the state where you are
attending college.